Classes and entry information at www.RCRacingEvents.com Pre-registration required by June 6th at 5 PM
All IMPBA legal classes. 5 boats to make a class.
Shootout format. Top six in the final round. Kids under 17 run FREE – Novice Trophy. Raffle and 50/50 drawings!
Note: FE P Limited Motors = Inrunner design, single 37mm x 60mm (max) includes bearing protrusions.
Open water June 6th from Noon until 6 PM
CD: Randy Rapedius (905) 520-6285 or (289) 396-3465
email: randy_rap@cogeco.ca
Assistant CD: Daniel Kalte (905) 630-6966
email: daniel_101_25@hotmail.com
(Sanction #25-010 R)